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Something for the Weekend


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All of you newbie / tenderfoot stackers cutting your teeth on bullion investment in the past 6 months should be very happy bunnies.

Going into the weekend I thought I would remind myself of the great negative investment silver has been.

Here is the shock/horror chart - look and weep earlier stackers.

Just don't show this chart to your partner and expect to retain two of everything ( if male that is ) !




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YUP ! i bought a week before it reached it peak price and sentiment was needing to pile in as it was destined to £50+ oz in the coming year

Plenty of buyers around as well.


Remember in the bigger picture, the problems in the world that caused silver to rise to nearly £30 have not changed and in many ways a lot lot worse now


Let the paper market makers HFTs do their fun and games


Silver is on sale now - fill your boots !

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YUP ! i bought a week before it reached it peak price and sentiment was needing to pile in as it was destined to £50+ oz in the coming year

Plenty of buyers around as well.


Remember in the bigger picture, the problems in the world that caused silver to rise to nearly £30 have not changed and in many ways a lot lot worse now


Let the paper market makers HFTs do their fun and games


Silver is on sale now - fill your boots !

Hi Paul - there are two of us then ( at least ) in the same deep smelly stuff then !

I absolutely agree that the same issues are facing the world today ( maybe even worse ) but we just don't hear so much about it, as it is no longer media hot news.

The frustrating thing is to see the newbies buying at so low prices whilst we have to see almost triple the price just to break even.

Filling one's boots requires courage having burned one's feet.

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not so much in the smelly stuff IMO - i still sleep soundly in my bed at night.

from the outset i was planning to hold my PMs for at least a ten year plus period unless there was some major game changer movement

a massive spike higher by 50% in a short period

or monumental collapse in the financial system/bank failure


now 4 years down the road yes i am underwater in my PMs but it is often when all the signs point to not buying is the time to buy


again, NOTHING at all has changed, the debt clock for every first world nation is hugely higher than 2008 and when gold and silver hit their all time highs in 2011


the holes in the dyke wall are now more numerous and the powers that be of this world are running out of fingers to plug them

it could be that little crack that breaks the dam wall wide open for torrents of 'who knows what' to be unleashed which is the time we will see the real increases in gold and silver.

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Pete: I DO understand entirely, although not the newbie stuff, I tend to take a "best Of British to you" attitude when someone else is doing better than I am.

and now your wondering How i can possibly understand you entirely :)


well, PMs are not my entire profile! (it just seems like that as this is PM dedicated site).

my Main investment is in Vintage/Obsolete scientific and electronic parts, mainly the Electronic side.


Imagine My feelings when I have over 1000 Valves (all tested by me and working) and collected over my entire adult lifetime as an Investment!

to find that a place in Russia has now started to produce valves again of all the popular types for significantly Less than these of mine from the 1920s` to 1970`s!

I can`t sell them now!


they will never go UP in price again, as I missed the Demand stage peak, and now have several cubic meters of pure Vacuum and glass that no one will pay for!


don`t think for a second that a PM newbie (such as myself) means that were inexperienced or just "Lucky" and that we talk about how easy it is from a stance of buying in Low, you May find that there are others like me that Have been there and done that too! and that getting "lucky" in PMs it`s just the universe cutting us a break! :)



what`s seen over here is only the tiniest fraction of what`s going on with each user :)

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I've never been burned by investments. I'm not greedy and have a knack for timing (or luck). Never run with the herd either. The only thing i'm down on is £40 worth of Peercoins that are worth £23 now. I like the design so i'll keep em.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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