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Premium Bonds

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Yes, I have a few thousand.

Bought them a couple of years ago, never had a win.

Better than money in the bank tho i suppose rather have a small chance to win than no chance 


seen a guy with hardly any bonds win 100k 


rather be lucky in life than good haha 

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I bought 1.5k in May this year as the interest in ISA's seemed pointless at around 2%.

I won £25 in my third draw which would be around the same I'd have got in interest 

and I still have the rest of the year to hopefully get lucky again.


I don't play the lottery as I think it's a waste of money and that truly is a gamble.  With PB's

each pound invested has a chance to win a prize at the start of each month plus you still

get to keep your pound!

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I bought 1.5k in May this year as the interest in ISA's seemed pointless at around 2%.

I won £25 in my third draw which would be around the same I'd have got in interest 

and I still have the rest of the year to hopefully get lucky again.


I don't play the lottery as I think it's a waste of money and that truly is a gamble.  With PB's

each pound invested has a chance to win a price at the start of each month plus you still

get to keep your pound!


Wish you luck dude ya the isa i opened few weeks back is shocking but i like easy access of the cash isa and tax free so may as well have one 

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Wish you luck dude ya the isa i opened few weeks back is shocking but i like easy access of the cash isa and tax free so may as well have one 


It's just nice to know there's 2 chances each month to win a million.  The money isn't really tied up either it's just a bank transfer request away,

plus any win is tax free too.  It's personal preference as to whether you prefer a guaranteed minimal return or the chance, albeit slim, of something


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my mother when she was still with us, had the full quota of £30,000

she had a mix spread of numbers as they had been bought in small batches over many years.

she won small amounts regular, every 3-6 months which always paid for a celebrate meal / night out at the local social club for her and my dad


never won anything big in thought over 20+ years though

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I have 200 and won £50 once nothing since.


I do play the lottery and have had 5 numbers in the past, but won £3 last trip, and £28 the trip before, so I do OK from the lottery.


Generally winning each time I put them on, but one day it will be me.


Don't forget if you are not in it you cannot win it!!!


EDIT:- I must go and check them now.

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I have 200 and won £50 once nothing since.


I do play the lottery and have had 5 numbers in the past, but won £3 last trip, and £28 the trip before, so I do OK from the lottery.


Generally winning each time I put them on, but one day it will be me.


Don't forget if you are not in it you cannot win it!!!


EDIT:- I must go and check them now


Ya it came about because i was talking to the old man and he has had 2-3k sitting in a spare account for years and got less than £10 interest in 5 years or so. least with premium bonds you can take the money out if need be one day and its getting a lotto ticket for free 


i do the lotto weekly £6 a week never won big and dont win much at all really :[

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I have 200 and won £50 once nothing since.


I do play the lottery and have had 5 numbers in the past, but won £3 last trip, and £28 the trip before, so I do OK from the lottery.


Generally winning each time I put them on, but one day it will be me.


Don't forget if you are not in it you cannot win it!!!


EDIT:- I must go and check them now.

I did play the lottery for the first 6 months when it was first introduced, always using the same numbers.


According to this tool: http://idefex.net/b3talottery/losings.php


I've missed out on £150.69 in winnings, but considering I'd have had to pay £1500 to have entered each 

draw I guess I've won by not being in it.  ;)

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Treat Premium Bonds as free entries each month into a lottery with a chance of winning £1m but without ever loosing your bet.

People with the maximum amount typically get a £25 prize every month and over a year approx 2.5% tax free return but this is important - your stake is always guaranteed safe and you can get your money back anytime. With such low savings interest rates, I like premium bonds as part of a diversified portfolio. I need a nice win now to balance the massive falls in PMs.

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Treat Premium Bonds as free entries each month into a lottery with a chance of winning £1m but without ever loosing your bet.

People with the maximum amount typically get a £25 prize every month and over a year approx 2.5% tax free return but this is important - your stake is always guaranteed safe and you can get your money back anytime. With such low savings interest rates, I like premium bonds as part of a diversified portfolio. I need a nice win now to balance the massive falls in PMs.

They actually increased the maximum investment to £40k in June this year I believe and

also added a second 1 million pound prize each month doubling your chances.

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Almost draw time again!  There is a cool phone ap which can check your numbers for all of 

those with PB's.

Acually got myself £200 worth today have to wait a month tho to put more money in and wait for a month for them to be active 


good luck :] 

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Acually got myself £200 worth today have to wait a month tho to put more money in and wait for a month for them to be active 


Welcome to the gang lol!  It's worth mentioning if you choose the option to reinvest any winnings they will

be eligible for the next draw without the need to wait that initial month grace period.


good luck :] 

Thanks, fingers crossed!  ;)

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Welcome to the gang lol!  It's worth mentioning if you choose the option to reinvest any winnings they will

be eligible for the next draw without the need to wait that initial month grace period.


Thanks, fingers crossed!  ;)

Thanks I dint choose to reinvest im just doing it instead of spending £5-10 on the lottery every week ill still do lotto just not every draw haha 

Think is i think interest should be enjoyed weather thats buying silver or going for a nice meal or buying something you enjoy just have fun


Once its all set up ill chuck 3k into it and check it every month hopefully get something back each year ill give them to my son then when im old as shit haha


I know its a luck game but id rather be lucky in life than good haha :] 

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Odds dont bother me at all fact is if i ever won one of the 10k 25k 50k or 100k prices would change my financial situation weather it be now or in 15-20 years time if i never win ill just hand them down its a win win what ever for me :] 


Prize band Prize value Number of prizes Higher value (7% of prize fund) £1 million 2   £100,000 4   £50,000 7   £25,000 15   £10,000 38   £5,000 76 Medium value (5% of prize fund) £1,000 1,110   £500 3,330 Lower value (88% of prize fund) £100 15,211   £50 15,211   £25 1,863,026


heres the specs from last draw looks good if u can get on there lol 

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