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Chinese Panda's vs Kookaburra's


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Doing a little price comparison on ebay between panda's and kooks. via sold listings.,

2014, 2013 kookaburra's are SOLD OUT COINS with a mintage of 500k, They are being sold LESS THEN THE PRICE OF A 2014 CHINESE PANDA. 

it does not make any sense to me, how does a 5 MILLION+ mintage coin, sold at a higher price then a 500k mintage coin, being that they are BOTH extremely popular, in fact the kookaburra's always tend to sell out very quickly. 

Reason why I am bringing this up, is I do not know what to invest my money in, 

I mean the 2013 chinese Panda's go for around 30 to 35 quid. Thats only last years panda... TO get the same price for Kookaburra coins, you are looking at the 2010, and 2011 coins. 

What do you guys think?


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If it is for investment, get the cheaper one. In 10 or 15 years time when you sell you will have made enough profit for that extra fiver here or there to be immaterial. Get the ones you like the best?


I only really worry about it if I want to flip the coins within a year or two - in which case I would go for the Pandas. I think they will appreciate better short term.

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The Panda's are selling more long term and short term, overall the panda's cost slightly more then the kooks, but that said they always sell more. 

Give me a kookaburra, that sells more then the Chinese panda equivalent ( same years)

To be honest I like both coins, and will stick with both, but I will buy slightly more Chinese Panda's. 

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You need to be cautious buying Pandas on eBay as this is one of the most common in the fake department.

Until a couple of years ago Pandas were sought after by collectors and they attracted higher than most premiums.

Newer Pandas are just another nice quality bullion coin and differentiating them from Kooks is more difficult.

Collect 2012 or earlier Pandas if you can but at the prices you state, I would have to think very hard about it if twice the price of a 2014 Panda.

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I only buy from Reputable dealers in fact, I ONLY buy of one place that is Silver to Go. 

I still have not got a clear opinion on kook's vs Panda's. 

I still cannot find out why PANDA's COST MORE then Kookaburra's.



Now here are the SOLD LISTINGS OF THE 2013 KOOKABURRA's (2014 Kookaburra is sold out at 500k, and is being sold much cheaper then the 2014 Panda) 



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