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genius or fruitcake


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sorry still

haven't learned the links thing yet , but if any members have 5 minutes or so to have a look at you tube

greg hunter watchdog

interviewing Harvey organ  about a week ago , the main reason I ask is that this guy is predicting (or so called) price movements and in what month for gold and silver  to what price   , you don't have to listen to the whole clip as his remarkable statements are in the last 5 minutes,

I see so many of these so called experts , but this guy seems to blow greg hunter away as they all do

what say you

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To insert a hyperlink/url(web address): open a URL tag by typing "URL" inside square brackets like these: [ ] then paste the link that you wish to link to, then close the tag (i.e. end the address by typing /URL inside another set of square brackets after the link. The same works for embedding youtube videos except you would use "Youtube" instead of URL at the start, and "/Youtube" at the end.


So to link to some BBcode examples I'd type [ url ] http://www.bbcode.org/reference.php [ /url ] (I've added spaces in the closing tags so you can see an example, these extra spaces aren't needed).


More examples here:


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To post a youtube video, you look at the top of the browser you're on at the website URL..


So if you're on this thread it's: http://thesilverforum.com/topic/1569-genius-or-fruitcake/


So when you're on youtube,  you click on the URL to highlight it, right click copy, then you right click paste it on here.. simple as that

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The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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whilst his figures could be right I do doubt his timing.


when someone defaults on a loan, the thing that happens

is not all hell breaks loose/bankruptcy, but a negotiation

to see if they can work something out. the current terms

are favourable to both sides so there is likely a chance

of prolonging similarly favourable agreements.



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why wold China (or any oher place) wait until it had run out before asking for it`s silver back? surely leaving yourself with only 2 month supply is cutting it a bit close isn`t it?


wouldn`t it have made more sense to request the return much earlier than this explaining that you only have a yeras worth at your current usage rate, then if nothing happened for 6 months you could cut back usage to critical only applications and Then go the press and complain the the US defaulted.


but 2 months only? I dunno, seems a bit poorly planned or overly simplistic and too trusting.

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I watched the whole 30 minutes and fingers crossed hoping to see $200 silver and $10k gold by Christmas.

Then I watched the "chessman" and thought ....mmmmmmMMMMMmmmm??????

The "chessman" mentioned Kid Dynamite so I am going to seek him out now.

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Harvey Organ did sound convincing and he gave the end of 2014 for his predicitions.

Some of us will either be rich by Christmas or his reputation will be in total tatters and look like a real tosser.

Bit like Salmond in the referendum - if he wins and the Bank of England tells him to f*k-off with his sterling union ultimatum.

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predicting is a bit like the heisenberg uncertainty principle,

by the act of predicting you have altered the outcome.


that's why truely knowledgeable people shut up and just take a position

and watch it play out. it's not what you say but what you do that




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  • 4 weeks later...

REAL  Men of Genius:


so,  in a context of having read over the weekend several online articles regarding the  continued high Aisian demand for  precious metals/the-great-transfer-of-wealth-from-West -to-East , etc., I  picked up a complimentary fortune cookie from the counter-top  of the restaurant's bar where I  had   eaten lunch yesterday, and had the following thought::

You just know that at one point  there were these two Aisian guys (?Chinese  ancestry ) siitting around and one said to the other: "Hey let's make a cookie, and we will tell the Westerners that it can predict their future...and then let's try to sell it to them and see if they will buy it"

 ...and they did!, and the rest is history ... and to this day they remain  incredulous that we in fact still buy those cookies from them..and also that we send our precious metals their way   

The Chinese are awesome!
I'll see your Ying and raise you a Yang!




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  • 8 months later...

well ive found another   im not sure about this guy  still not mastered the link thing  but check this one out


his latest you tube clip shows  a dark red tablecloth with silver in a sort of triangle shape 


illuminate silver I think he goes by


this guy  would get my vote for all those depressing  public information films

or being the narrator  just before the end of the world


I can be negative  but this guy makes me look like   mr happy


oh and love the saying  pumpers and dumpers

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Maybe a bit hard for Craig,

You all do know about the Jewish year number 7, when all debts have to be cleared/ settled well it starts in September or October this year!!!! And to make it Even more important its a Jubilee!!!!!!!!

There you go Craig there's a good theory for you to get excited or worried about.

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