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where can i buy this coin


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just seen a you tube vid on a   lunar brittania  apparently had a obseen low mintage 

not the year of the horse , the guy said it was a brittania with a lunar design (snake)i think round the reeded edge , i think im going to get into brittanias

anyone know where to buy them

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just seen a you tube vid on a   lunar brittania  apparently had a obseen low mintage 

not the year of the horse , the guy said it was a brittania with a lunar design (snake)i think round the reeded edge , i think im going to get into brittanias

anyone know where to buy them

I've been chasing one for a while.. Merit gold in the US had sole rights to sell them but since they went bust .. Seems they sold their stock to other retailers in the US

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Patience. Some coins you will wait years for.


I have been waiting 7 years for a guitar I want. 7 years of searching regularly on every internet site I can think of.


I am also waiting for a coin the RSC 99999 Anaconda. I have all the other but that on is elusive. One day. Be patient, but look regularly.

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ebay.com is the easiest place. Around $50 or so inc delivery (just a quick glance) and take your chances with customs.  A few sellers offering global shipping program as well.

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has anyone bought the year of the horse from the royal mint ? is a brit a better buy


I have one of each. I like them equally. I don't think either will be easier or harder to sell than the other as they have different appeal. You will always be able to sell Britannias, lets face it. The horses, probably the same, might be less desirable to some but they will always sell.

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I have the Britannia Lunar Snake Coin. I have just recently 5 Britannia Lunar Horses.


He deals outside of eBay and I and another member from here have dealt with him I have had no problems at all with him and never got stung by customs!!! :P

I have had discounts for multiple buys.


His name is Glen Hotrum, email is abelieverinchrist@msn.com. I do think he said he was was away for a month or so on holiday, but maybe send an email if you are interested.


It worked out at £97.97 for five coins so £19.54 landed. These are for the Britannia with Horse privy.


EDIT: Yes he said he was away that was on the 29.8.14.

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Personally I feel the year of the horse coin is a better buy that the Britannia this year, just because the britannia design's staying the same for the forceable future, as for the horse, well it's the first in the series, limited mintage of 300,000 which it doesn't look like it's going to reach and if you ask me it's a great design, great numismatic potential.

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Yes craig, when you see a mintage of say 300,000, it means there will be a maximum of 300,000 coins for that year, the britannias are now mint to order so the royal mint will keep on producing as long as there's demand, The horses are limited to 300,000 max.

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sorry to ask again are you saying the rm horse coin is 300,000 every year or 300,000 is the maximum they will make in total


300k is all the will ever make. Next year the will make the Ram/Sheep coin I think this will also be limited to 300K


When someone says that a coin has a mintage of a certain number that means that they will only ever make than many. Three things could happen:

1) by the end of the year they have sold a lot less than 300k. They will stop minting at that number and the actual mintage will be whatever number they actually made.

2) at some point during the year they hit the 300k mintage and stop making them.

3) they just keep minting until the 300k is reached (However long that happens to take) and then stop, forever.


With lunar coins it is always the first or second option that happens.


Other coins - like the silver £20 from the Royal Mint - it is the third option.

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No worries, so the rm horse is for this year only and 300,000 is the max they will mint this year, in 2015 we have the sheep and again a max mintage of 300,000, if there's little demand they may only mint 100,000, it's always worth checking the mintages before buying the coin, it can make a lot of difference in value in the future.

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