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Silver OZ Target


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So i know some guys have a target in mind to hit do any of us on here have a target to hit ? 


Personally id love to hit 1000 Oz and i dont even have a reason for it haha but general thinking is if silver does double or triple in years to come it will be a nice nest egg to have hold of :]


Gold i just pick up as and when i see a good deal so no real target to hit with 

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For me personally I would like to think I could get to 5000 oz of silver and 50 oz of gold, but thats just me.


Ask me the same question in 3 years and see were I am with it!!! :lol:


As we've already seen in a previous post, Keith and I have an almost identical goal. (great minds and all that :)  ).


The only difference is, This goal will take me about 15 years to achieve. At the rate Keith is going, it'll take him 15 weeks  ;)

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for now, anything less than 50p a gram I`ll keep buying, so really there is no limit.

I also hedge *`against` silver too, so either direction will still pay for me :)



* `against` meaning that even if spot goes down, the value of jewelry items will stay same(ish), a bit like the numismatics value thingy :)

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2000 oz silver, and a kilo of gold.

- anyone else really sad and think of targets of fractionals. for me its 100oz in 1/4 100oz 1/2s 1000oz in 1oz and the rest in kilos.

I'd buy gold in fractionals because you can buy them at the same premium as larger coins , but I won't touch anything under 1oz in silver because the premiums are ridculously high. 


But no, I'm not sad enough to have fractional targets.......   :D

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people use a golden number 1,000, 2,500, 5,000oz of silver.


when you actually hit your first 1,000oz & stand back and realise just how much size/weight it represents and the associated storage implications.  


It takes up a bloody lot of room and is damn heavy.  


1,000 troy ounces is 27kg+.  


It is however a wonderful moment when you hit it, saving and going without other thing for the sake of hitting your goals and targets.


  • x1,000 oz silver @ £20 for average sake = £20,000
  • x25 oz gold @ £800 for average sake = £20,000


If the worst were to happen and would have to go anywhere fast in a hurry, the guy who went for gold over silver with x25 krugerrands would be like Usain Bolt ahead with his 777g of gold, clanking away in his jeans pocket. While Mr Silver would be dragging his sack of potatoes weight of metal & more at a slugs like pace miles miles behind.  


I would assume it is also easier to liquidate x25 oz of gold than x1000 oz  of silver


Although it is a nice position to be in being top heavy on any sort precious metals, that is the one downside i have with having a decent chunk of silver.

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My target is to have my weight in silver so aprox 87kg hahaha and 1kg gold


I often  refer to my stack (and its future levels) in body weights.  Not my body weight, but others'.  For example 


"I've got an Audrey" (Audrey Hepburn) = approx 50kg

"I've got a Merkel" (Angela) = approx 85kg

"I've got a Luciano" (Pavarotti) = 130kg 


It's usually a pretty standard metric, but would advise against using "I've got a Kerry (Katona)" due to continual weight fluctuations.

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I don't have a target, but I will buy whilst the price is low. As far as weight goes, I figure if I can bench press it, it's not heavy, thus it can be considered moveable, so while it's cheap, anything up to about 2000oz total holdings would be quite manageable whilst pacifying my need for nice, round numbers.

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