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WebApp to keep tracking of your PM


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Hi! I'm a web developer and I was thinking on developing a web app to keep track of all my PM. It would be like an spreadsheet but you could have the ability to define goals, and look at others goals to keep motivated.


Will you be interested in such an app or what? If not, I will still develop it but only for my PM stack :D


Let me know your opinions.


PD: Of course, it will be free and anonymous if you want..

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Yeah I think such as app would be feasible.  People will like it.  I know Apmex have a simple sort of web-app on their site that tracks the items you purchased with them, at what value, and the current value etc.  I think the Perth mint had something similar at one point too (not sure if they still have it?).  They're both very simple though, so a more complex one with many features like more calculations, statistics, goal settings, charts etc would certainly be great.


One area where I think many people might not feel comfortable or interested in such programs / online apps is in the security features of them though.  I know many stackers might want to keep their stack on the down-low, and can be paranoid about hacked accounts or what have you.


So I think if you develop it with security features,  or perhaps like an offline program or just a really great excel spreadsheet that automatically updates the spot price etc I think it might be more popular?  I'm not sure though, perhaps getting some other peoples opinion first would be a good idea!!!

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It sounds like a good idea, but I don't own a smart phone so would be unable to use.

That said if I did own a smart phone I still would not use it, it is bad enough having to contend with people trying to hack my laptop so no way would I use an app like that.


But that is just my own personal opinion.


Good luck with it.

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You see thats why I don't have a smart phone I can't read!!!!!


I would have a look but would probably not use it all my data is in my spreadsheet where it will stay, basically I do not trust the internet with my data, any data.


Again Good luck with it.

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Ok...no app then :D



Actually I was being slightly tongue in cheek. But having said that I still wouldn't use such an app.


But you may be interested in this site which is doing something remarkably similar:




It is a great catalogue of coins, by the way, I have used it to look up values and information on all sorts of odd ones!


The idea, I think, is that you can create a list of your own coins, then create a wish-list of coins you want, and even swap with other members.


Not my thing.

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