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atkinsons not sure of the way its going


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I've bought a 2008 & 2009 Britannia, 1/2 2005 sov and a Victorian shield sov from them recently.


I'm personally extremely pleased with them offering some second hand items at very reasonable prices.  


They still have new items you to buy if you like those, and they have some older items to buy for people who like them, and they have some interesting deals; works out well for everyone? 


Saying it looks desperate is.. can't think of a polite word  :P

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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I don't see any issue with Atkinsons, Apart from recent issues which they may have got from the relevant mints, everything else has been pre-owned one way or another.


What do you expect from a bullion dealer? Is he supposed to only sell 2014 coins. That's bollox. Bullion by its nature will have passed through many hands over the years and Atkinsons are a bullion dealer.


Sorry Craig, but you seem to be the Adrian Durham of PM stacking. Like Adrian you talk as though you are an expert, and you believe you are always right, and if no-one agrees with you you go into a huff. 


Heads Gone............! 


(Talk sport fans will understand my analogy  :D )

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They still sell new bullion coins in gold and silver.

They have to get rid of their trade in somewhere and there are plenty of people who want and purchase them.  I have made a few purchases of used coins in both silver and gold.

Don't forget that new stuff can be bought from anywhere but specific older stuff is not as common.

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I run my own business and am currently all in on starting another one as well, the existing business is Not as as it was when it first started and has changed from what We wanted to what the Customers wanted (Standard proceedure for any well run business), do you Know what customer feedback or requests they have had?


I doubt they`re doing this to upset people :)

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I think it's great that they have specials on trade-ins. It's a great way to pick up something older and usually a good way to find knock-down prices on ordinary bullion like bars. Frankly if I am buying secondhand, i'd rather it came from a dealer who will check for authenticity, rather than eBay (and yes I would do my own checks anyway, but its extra piece of mind).

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Don't deal much with Atkinsons myself, but I don't see a whole lot wrong with their current policies. It's not as though it's the only (or best depending on viewpoint) game in town so if you're unhappy with what they're doing then just move the business elsewhere. That's the beauty of competition.

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i check atkinsons site daily and what is currently present is simply shows what they 'currently have on the shelves' give it a few weeks and a different assortment will be there for sale.

They are bullion 'dealers' - buy at (X) and sell for (y). (y) being a customer happy profit margin %


I personally couldn't be happier with atkinsons offering this.  

Thanks to them offering 2nd hand items occasionally, ive picked up many VAT free coins from them in my 3-4 years stacking,

  • x100 lunar series 2 ox's,
  • x25 vat free RCM wildlife series coins antelope, bison, wolf,
  • x50 2009 kookaburras 


Although nothing VAT free items have been on offer for a while now.  It is nice to keep £1,000+ or so cash to one side to snap the offers up when they come up because believe me they are not there for very long !

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No vat free items have been at Atkinson for a while 


Question can they charge vat on second hand coins ? as the vat has already been payed on the when bought new ? 


Personally they service is top knotch id happily use them for years to come some stuff is overpriced but some stuff is spot on 


recently spent 500-600 with them and very happy with what i got 

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No vat free items have been at Atkinson for a while 


Question can they charge vat on second hand coins ? as the vat has already been payed on the when bought new ? 


Personally they service is top knotch id happily use them for years to come some stuff is overpriced but some stuff is spot on 


recently spent 500-600 with them and very happy with what i got 


VAT on 2nd hand silver coins should only be charged on the dealers margin and not the full coin price.

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