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Criminal Sellers


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Here is another prime example of a bogus seller selling fake / COUNTERFEIT silver on eBay.

How can the authorities stand back and not act ?

Some poor buyer is falling into the trap and paying full price for a plated replica, possibly pleased with his or her purchase - poor sod !

Copying legal tender is a crime and once again eBay permits criminal activities.


Item number 141379175686





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and to think, that Once upon a time (I love stories that start with that). Once upon a time, counerfeiting no matter how badly done was punishable by death!

and didn`t matter how you wrapped it up.


That would solve China's population problem lol

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clearly states "plated" in the description so a case of newbie's about to learn a lesson the hard way.

Or the bloke thinks he got a maple at bottom dollar and goes for a quick flip on eBay listing it as genuine because he doesn't know any better and some other poor bugger buys it and keeps it thinking it's real (when it isn't).

Fakes have ripples which impact the market as a whole. Highly recommend checking all coins when you get them, it's not impossible to see a fake pass down the line in good faith.

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clearly states "plated" in the description so a case of newbie's about to learn a lesson the hard way.


Agreed the seller describes it as plated but the coin itself states fine silver 9999 one ounce.

If you tried to sell a $100 bill photocopy or maybe a copied £20 note on eBay, and in the description added "copied" how long would it be before it was taken down and you were arrested ?

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There are banker training notes. I'll see if I can find one.


They are to teach banking staff how to recognise foreign notes. So a BofE £50 note may not be real and have 'training note' wrote on but the writing would be in the local language (eg.Chinese).  The amount would be crossed too.


I think this would be fine to sell on ebay.


Also, maybe the governments like the problems forgeries are causing to stackers.




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  • Founder & Administrator

Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done unless the governments of some countries have a deal with the governments of others to clamp down on their counterfeited currency.

The above example is of a plated maple leaf sold on eBay.co.uk and dispatched from inside the UK. Canadian has no duristrictuon in the UK. The seller is not breaking any UK laws, so eBay won't remove it.

Governments should get together and right a new law that makes the production and or selling of counterfeiter currencies of other countries illegal in their countries and then this would be stopped.

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  • Founder & Administrator

That would solve China's population problem lol

They already kill about 2000 people per year. Terrible country.

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