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Goldsilver.com (Maloney) Pegasus Rounds


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Has anyone bought or traded the Goldsilver.com private minted "Pegasus" rounds ?

Here is an interesting recent ( June 2014 ) Youtube video -


The proof versions look stunning and there is a beautiful 10oz on the video.


Do you know anyone dealing in these rounds and are they reasonably priced ?

Maloney harps on about low premium but I guess you have to be in the USA to benefit from a fair deal and not in rip-off Britain.

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Maloney talks a lot of sense about sound money and the fundamentals of investing in precious metals, but then after telling people not to get caught up in buying numismatics and concentrate on ounces, he produces proof versions of his own overpriced silver rounds? OK surely only an optimist buys a proof purely as an investment, but it seems to me that now ol' Mike has the crowd hooked, he's determined to rake in the dollars by whatever means he can. That, I dislike, even if I realise that ultimately, he's in business for one reason and it's not for the good of our health.

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Ah good ol' Mike. I'll forgive him, especially as he's probably done more for opening peoples eyes than anyone.

He's quite honest about how he runs his business and openly acknowledges he's doing it for his own wealth. Certainly don't blame him for catering to a wider audience - why ever not. Even pure oz. stackers like myself can appreciate the beauty of a proof coin - though it'll be the exception rather than the rule.

I think it's a great looking coin too, considering the low premium (in US!) I'd certainly grab a stack given the chance

Once the proclaimed 'wealth transfer' is complete, he'll probably disappear into the shadows. He certainly won't be uploading videos to YouTube saying 'Time to sell folks!'

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Once the proclaimed 'wealth transfer' is complete, he'll probably disappear into the shadows. He certainly won't be uploading videos to YouTube saying 'Time to sell folks!'

Oh surely not, I mean, for people have paid nearly $1300 to be part of his "insider" program, or bought 500oz of silver to qualify, well, they'll be all getting an email won't they: "Hey folks, time to sell the old silver hoard" possibly with a footer advising that Goldsilver.com will buy all your gold and silver back from you...

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