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sundays the worst day for me


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most of my silver purchasies haven't been on a weekend although the hgm silver 100g bars I think were on a Saturday night, don't you just hate it when silvers dropping and you just don't know wether to buy something on a sunday evening  in the hope you have called a good buying price , most times its down again Monday morning , mmmmm decisions decisions

I do re iterate my point on none live sites  ie sarnia silver  hgm   sometimes those prices will have been set last week when silver was higher  not bad  if silver rises  but no good if silver falls sharply

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Same here, I read 90%+ of the threads that're put up in general but c'mon, how many of craigs are just passing thoughts which could be put in other existing threads like the silver spot price or the open thread? How many are really thread-starting worthy?

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ey guys  some have read and replied to this  not many replied to the bullion by post sovs cheaper than hgm and atkinsons, its only general observations  and when push comes to shove , most of you will be thinking on a sunday evening  shall I shant I  ive said before  some may not agree with me , but its not like its a wasted thread , tomorrow it will probably be on the next page ,

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It is a wasted thread. It serves no real purpose. It's a passing thought which could be put elsewhere.


The thread essentially is "I don't like buying on sunday, I don't know if spot is going to go up or down".


Raise the bar for what is worth creating a thread for Craig. 

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But you didn't post about sovereign prices (even then, put that in the gold special offer/deal thread, that's what it's for), you posted about how you don't like buying silver on sunday because silver prices are variable (like any other day), which I thought wasn't worth creating a whole thread was for.


We have threads for spot prices, we have threads for special offers and deals. Just because people didn't respond to your comment doesn't mean *nobody* found it useful and it also doesn't mean you need to create ANOTHER thread about the same darn thing.


What's the point of having all of these threads to keep it all centralised if you're going to create new threads about it anyway?


Haven't been to SS since i've came here :)

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I do re iterate my point on none live sites  ie sarnia silver  hgm   sometimes those prices will have been set last week when silver was higher  not bad  if silver rises  but no good if silver falls sharply

Just to clarify a point, HGM change their prices twice daily in line with the silver fix. The only day they do not change prices is a Sunday, for obvious reasons.

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I should have created the bbp sov as a separate thread  as everyones after a sov cheaper than hgm

if you think that's a wasted thread jump over to those ss loonies

You would have had a point IF the BBP sov was cheaper than the HGM sov, but at £199 for BBP and £199.42 for HGM, you really are splitting hairs.


Buy two Sovs, and HGM is cheaper by £5.66. 

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still cheaper though  hgm seems to be the benchmark company for cheap deals or is that no one wants to buy from bbp  im sure the majority of people would buy 1 not 2

I actually prefer to buy half sovs.

BBP = £111 for a half sov

HGM = £103 for a half Sov.

Atkinsons = £101 for a half sov


HGM and Atkinsons are the ONLY UK bullion companies that don't whack on an excessive premium. I also know that when it comes to sell, I can get well over spot on ebay for my half sovs, because the mugs...ooops sorry.......... ebay buyers ...........are used to paying a premium for fractional gold.


I intend to take advantage of this big time.   

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Not used to dealing with online retailers *not* including delivery for once! Haha.

But as HT earlier pointed out earlier, who really gives a monkeys about 42 pence when you're talking about hundreds of pounds?

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maybe I`v misunderstood here, but on the off hance that I haven`t, why don`t you pound cost average it?

spend half your fiat now, and the other half on monday, that way you only make half the mistake if there is one, and still make a gain if it goes in your favor :)

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maybe I`v misunderstood here, but on the off hance that I haven`t, why don`t you pound cost average it?

spend half your fiat now, and the other half on monday, that way you only make half the mistake if there is one, and still make a gain if it goes in your favor :)

That would only work if spending thousands. Even then you would lose out on delivery charges if buying silver.
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