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Metal Detecting

Carpe Diem

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I did metal detecting for years about 12 years ago and it was hard to get permission from land owners to go on there land,you can not do parks as they all have signs saying no detecting, if you read the sign.You get attacked by dogs which i did twice.people look at you like your an anorak.

On the finds side  found a few silver coins,not many,a silver wedding ring but the best thing i found was a full sovereign gold ring in a strawberry pick your own field,but my eldest gave it away to a girlfriend long gone when i wanted to know where it was,bloody kids.

Found a shed load of pre-decimal copper and decimal ,the new stuff just blisters and rusts in the ground.

There is a bonus all the non ferrous scrap gives you a little pay day now and then.I used to get a magazine and there was meetings in famers feilds here and there and some good stuff was found,some gold staters, and a hoard of hammered coins,not by me though, found a massive bullet from an estate used to home Americans staged before D-Day gave it away to another anorak who was foaming at the mouth over it.

I gave up because it was hard to find any where to do it,but if you have an abundance of land to go,i say do it it is exercise fresh air and can be rewarding,if your dogs well behaved a few fellas took there dogs and kept them happy for a day. 

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Seems a bit odd, what sort of units were there and did the area have anyone there before the Americans? I only ask as there's a plethora of ground based systems which could have used such a weapon and i'd be keen to have an idea what it could be.

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My son told me he had a friend that locally found a hoard of Roman gold coins that netted him a sizeable chunk of fiat.

I live near a famous Roman road and across the street they are digging up many acres of virgin ground for a new housing estate.

The combination of new ground getting dug up with Roman ruins in the local area does make me wonder if prospecting would be worthwhile but I don't have the detector.

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Seems a bit odd, what sort of units were there and did the area have anyone there before the Americans? I only ask as there's a plethora of ground based systems which could have used such a weapon and i'd be keen to have an idea what it could be.

Another item that turned up was a round case like a film reel of live unused bullets like 303 type in a belt. all the military stuff came from the front lands of the country mansion, trying to remember the name of the place it was down the M3 somewhere.

I presume my bullet was either from a target practice as it was used or ground to air defense.

Edit...I would of thought most cases where picked up and recycled for the war effort but mine got missed.


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  • 1 month later...

This has got to be a must watch for us all......... McKenzie Crook starring in a new sitcom on BBC, (those anti BBC-ists are not allowed to watch :)  ), all about metal detecting.......


http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p027b39h  "what do you do with them all", "Bag em up , stick em on Ebay, people buy this shit". "sad tits" "you said it"






Starts Oct 2nd

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