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Perth mint High Relief coins - Are they a good investment?

crazy hippo

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Hi guys, and girls, 


been away for a while, but I’m back on it and back buying. I just got my first high relief coin.


its a pert mint 2013 Kook. I think its a thing of beauty, so ive also ordered the 1oz koala HR.


Now i paid about £43.xx for it. which is less than i paid for the new koala.


here is where things get a little tricky, 2012` kook high relief is going on ebay for 65-80 after costs and shipping, thats not much more than a new one will cost added to an order from most of the german sites, about 60 euros.


So the crux of the question, Do you guys think they will increase in value?


(they are so small :) )

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If the series becomes popular then I can see a lot of new collectors buying these and back dating them. Given the relatively small mintage then I can see these appreciating in value.

I am just collecting the HR's, not investing in multiples.

As an investment I think that they have good potential, but because they are not a completely established popular series like the kook or silver panda bullion coins, investing in multiple HR's has, in my eyes, a slightly higher risk, also because they are less liquid. May be harder to find buyers in the future? and you may loose a lot of money selling to a bullion dealer in the future. Then again you might find the right buyers and make a much better return than if you would have bought semi numismatic bullion.

As a collection of nice looking coins, I think these HR coins are awesome. And everyone should have at least one :)

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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I have got into these lately.

Just received my first two, and have ordered two more.

Quite fancy a kook and a koala though.

Good investment, don't know and don't really care to be honest. If HR's take off then they will do well, if not then they may retain their money.

They are very beautiful though.

Stacker since 2013

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Its the old thing CH they are worth what somebody is willing to pay, they are not hugely popular but IMHO they are a nice format of coin, I like them because they are chunky I have six but I only collect the roos.


They will never come into the league of series 1 & 2 lunar 1oz proofs but buy them if you like them, that's the best reason for buying a coin in my book.


I think if you buy now you won't loose money on them in a year or two's time if you had to sell.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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Long answer i think they will be a good investment in a medium to long term investment 15 to 20 years +

SeH, any reason for your thought?

I can't decide what I think they will do, but I'm buying them because I like them.

I do wonder if any of these "collectible" coins will be worth much in 20 odd years. I hope I'm wrong.

Stacker since 2013

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