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Silver & Postage


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Say your silver stacking goal is 500oz silver over the course of a few years


How much do you think you would spend on postage in that time?


What % of your total spend on silver would have been lost purely on postage?

Seems like postage might be a real problem if you were to buy steadily/weekly, instead of saving up to buy in bulk perhaps monthly 




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The best suggestion is to buy from a European supplier ( Aurinum or STG ) where there is minimal VAT and bulk up your order to the maximum within a postal rate. This will keep your shipping costs per oz to the minimum.

May not work for everyone as you are spending about £800 per order and delaying will see a price change ( works both ways though ).


Otherwise you are stuck with high percentage P&P and on eBay a £20 coin might cost you £4 in shipping so 20% added to net landed cost.

Some people choose Atkinsons and BullionbyPost because they say 'free shipping' - wake up folks there is a charge built in already.

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Shipping cost matters more for stackers than collectors. Though obviously it is important for all that might eventually sell the coins they purchase as it effects their overall profit/loss.

For investments, In order to get a reasonable cost per coin I believe that 20 troy ounces to 32 troy ounces (just over 1kg) per order is a good amount. Obviously generally the larger the order the better.

I have sometimes bought only a couple of coins, despite higher shipper per coin just because I wanted to get hold of those coins for my collection.

But yea, it all adds up, so it's best to take advantage of services like STRENUE's if possible.

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Its usually always worth maximising what you spend on bullion to reduce the overall per coin cost and always price your coin including the postage you paid.


Same story if you are a collector as you may wish to sell in the future for whatever reason. Collectors usually aren't too worried about postage costs if it is a coin they need. :)

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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I walk to the shop and pick them up :P


Which shop?

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Necessary evil, I agree to an extent about it being more of a stackers problem than a collectors problem after all usually the P&P cost us suckers pay is almost negligible in comparison, but it ultimately does impact everyone.

I suspect I've paid over the odds by sometimes doing penny packet orders through a month than one big order, but meh, I likes what I buy.

I guess the gold lovers among us like paying the same P&P cost for a coin which is 50ish times more valuable!

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As I always factor in postage costs as part of each coins price, I don't really pay attention. I just look for the cheapest price inc delivery. I suppose I could hold back until I'd got a bigger order together to lower the postage cost per coin, but in the mean time the price could have shifted and I'd be no better off anyway.

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As I always factor in postage costs as part of each coins price, I don't really pay attention. I just look for the cheapest price inc delivery. I suppose I could hold back until I'd got a bigger order together to lower the postage cost per coin, but in the mean time the price could have shifted and I'd be no better off anyway.

And saving up for a big order is much harder to do, something always comes along that you "need".

I'm generally 5oz orders, and try to get shipping as low as possible at my risk. Not fell foul yet!!!

Stacker since 2013

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And saving up for a big order is much harder to do, something always comes along that you "need".


In my case It usually turns out that the something that I needed was a couple of cheap gold sovereigns. I've been putting off my silver buys recently because I keep finding cheap gold. I've decided, I'm going to buy my silver first. (Aim to get 12 of each bullion coin, that is selling for less than £25, or double spot), once I've done that, then I'll get my gold, because to be honest, Gold I can get at any time, but you can sometimes miss the boat when it comes to certain silver coins.

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Free postage is a misnomer; just like interest-free credit. There is no such thing really, someone always has to cover the cost. Atkinsons (and several other UK dealers) simply factor the cost of postage into their price, but saying "free postage" looks a lot better than "postage included in price". It also means if you want anything from them, you know the price you see is the price you pay with no extra charges added at checkout.


I am not concerned at all by postage costs on their own, I track my total cost per coin and if price after postage/VAT is acceptable then I go for it.

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