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New silver collection...


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Hi! With a friend we are planning on starting a silver coin collection but we missed some of the good ones (pands, lunars, etc.) because it's imposible to get fair prices for the old years so we were wondering if any of you can recommend a collection starting now or at most last year that  we could jump on! Thanks!!!

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One for the collectors as opposed to the stackers! - Tokelau $5  'Creatures of myth and legends series


Two designs have been released this year ( Unicorn and Pegasus) and with additional two per year for the next four years and for a projected total set of 10 


Minted by Meyers and available in proof, antique, gilded, reverse proof and coloured finishes


Mintages as low as 2,500 for the proof and antique versions and currently retailing cica £45.


Low volumes, from a renowned mint, and a quality coin;  thus IMHO a new set that is going to be a winner 






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One for the collectors as opposed to the stackers! - Tokelau $5  'Creatures of myth and legends series


Two designs have been released this year ( Unicorn and Pegasus) and with additional two per year for the next four years and for a projected total set of 10 


Minted by Meyers and available in proof, antique, gilded, reverse proof and coloured finishes


Mintages as low as 2,500 for the proof and antique versions and currently retailing cica £45.


Low volumes, from a renowned mint, and a quality coin;  thus IMHO a new set that is going to be a winner 




Where can you get them? i realy like the designs.

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Bosse68. -  Aurinum were a stockist, but when I checked earlier this month they only had the proof in stock.


For a German minted coin it is ironic that the majority of these seem to have gone over to the other side of the pond. Just checked, and the dealer that I bought my sets from ( Modern Coin Mart ) have all of them in stock. That said, I had these delivered to an address in the US with free delivery as the international shipping rates are not good.


Loads on the Bay, but prices have already started to creep. As noted in the earlier email keep an eye open from Proofs and Antique finishes. Lower mintages at 2.5k but the same or minimal price difference from the rest of the set and with the reverse proof having a mintage of up to 50k

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Bosse68. - Aurinum were a stockist, but when I checked earlier this month they only had the proof in stock.

For a German minted coin it is ironic that the majority of these seem to have gone over to the other side of the pond. Just checked, and the dealer that I bought my sets from ( Modern Coin Mart ) have all of them in stock. That said, I had these delivered to an address in the US with free delivery as the international shipping rates are not good.

Loads on the Bay, but prices have already started to creep. As noted in the earlier email keep an eye open from Proofs and Antique finishes. Lower mintages at 2.5k but the same or minimal price difference from the rest of the set and with the reverse proof having a mintage of up to 50k

I absolutely love antique finishes. Thanks for the link, these are stunning and will do my reversal from collector to stacker no good whatsoever :)
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I am the friend :ph34r:  who RealBlueGold mentioned    :D


checked --> Royal Mint lunar horse


One more question, do you know any good pages about silver coin news to subscribe? It would be great to know in advance what are the next year designes or new sets. B)


Thank you very much

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Hi buddy, welcome.

I'm my opinion, the best way for updates is to sign up for newsletters on each of the relevant mint websites. Then they email you with news and new releases.

You may find that new coins are discussed on here before the mints send out a newsletter!!!

Stacker since 2013

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Also AgAuNews, google that I am sure you will find his site. He is also a member here :)

Edit: link to his site: http://agaunews.com

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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