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Lunar long term


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I have a few lunars but not a lot yet, trouble is I'm thinking about stacking for the long term, but in 30 years will any one bother with lunar series 2 or will they just be collecting lunar 4/5.

How many that are collecting series 2 have gone back and collected series 1? And if this is the case they will already have collected 1/2/3.

Or am I over complicating things because they will still be worth £5 over a standard bu coin

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Do you have series 1 - 1ozers Danny?

I started on them mate but sold them off when I got to four or five.

I wanted to pursue the series 2 as I preferred it.

May get them at some point, now I have broken the stigma of paying silly money for coins.

Stacker since 2013

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I have a few lunars but not a lot yet, trouble is I'm thinking about stacking for the long term, but in 30 years will any one bother with lunar series 2 or will they just be collecting lunar 4/5.

How many that are collecting series 2 have gone back and collected series 1? And if this is the case they will already have collected 1/2/3.

Or am I over complicating things because they will still be worth £5 over a standard bu coin


A potential 'elephant in the room' that collectors need to recognize is the relationship of supply and demand and specifically what appears to to be an unabated and rapid burgeoning of coins/rounds coming on to the market from ever increasing mints, producing items in various sizes, colours, materials, metals, serial topic type, insertions etc 


Modern numismatics as we see it today is different to what we would have seen say in the 1980's.  For example coin technology was not so advanced to give us coloured and irregular pattern coins, the mints from the former Communist bloc were limited in what they produced, and the route to market for selling these coins were limited. Fast forward to today, and coin development seems only to be limited by mans' imagination. Former communist mints ( Poland and China spring to mind) are producing some of the finest coins around, and purchasing is a simple matter of click and pay. 


The collectors of today are probably referencing in their minds-eye the collectability of coins from the recent past. However this reference is based on a differing supply and demand equations from what we see now. I think we all hope that numismatics grows in popularity, but I cannot help but notice that elephant in the corner of my office which seems to indicate to me that supply is rapidly starting to surpass demand, and that more than ever you need to be careful about picking the winning series to invest your money in


 Thus theoretically if series 4 and 5 lunars have a USP that makes the public crave to have them, is the public more or less likely to invest in a 'boring old silver coin' from series 1 or 2? - I suppose only time will tell. 

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You collect 1 then 2 or other way around?


Both at the same time I started with the 1 oz bullion coins of both then expanded from there.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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As part of my evolving silver stacking plan, I intend to stack lunar coins. But with a few provisos. I will only stack 1oz coins. and I will not back date......


UNLESS...... I can buy previous years coins at the same price as the current years coins, or If I can buy larger or smaller coins pro-rata (or less) to the current 1oz price for a lunar coin. 


I am stacking for 15-20 years time, so I am hoping that the coins I buy today will have the same premiums accrued as coins from 1994-1999 currently have.

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@ArthGoch. Nice post. My feeling is (I can't prove it) that there are more people stacking these days than in the past. Certainly on this forum many have begun in the last few years - since 2008. If that continues in the future - yes there will be more coins minted and more sets produced but a certain percentage of the new stackers will join forums like this and be converted to collecting as I was ( before I joined here I was level headed and balanced of mind).

My thinking is that these collectors will want the old sets with limited mintage just as I'm looking out for a 1993 kook

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