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The Coming Silver Shortage?


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I might be able to help out here as I am currently holding just shy of 200 million ounces.


I guess the other 62 million ounces is spread among you guys!!


Let me know when you want me to dump it all!!!!



@Luker2 Did you sign up!!!

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I can see an instance whereby most are so wrapped up in paper silver (ETFs, non-allocated and such) and all the while the real stuff is being used and bought up by non western countries, that almost in an instant it`ll dawn on the masses that the real stuffs virtually gone/unavailable.


I don`t thonk it`ll be a slow burned or making the news until it`s too late, not like say the extinction of such and such a Tiger or Bird that`s on the news and tv adverts, silver will just be Gone and we`ll hear about it after the fact.


I wouldn`t like to put a time on it, but withn the next 20 years would be my Guess.

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I can see an instance whereby most are so wrapped up in paper silver (ETFs, non-allocated and such) and all the while the real stuff is being used and bought up by non western countries, that almost in an instant it`ll dawn on the masses that the real stuffs virtually gone/unavailable.

I don`t thonk it`ll be a slow burned or making the news until it`s too late, not like say the extinction of such and such a Tiger or Bird that`s on the news and tv adverts, silver will just be Gone and we`ll hear about it after the fact.

I wouldn`t like to put a time on it, but withn the next 20 years would be my Guess.

I hope you are right FS.

I think the likes of "us" will know about it a long time before Joe Public does, and by that time it will be far too late for them to jump on the silver happy-retirement-at-55 wagon.

The question is, when the prices rises will the industrial and investor markets dry up, I'd say not.

I see silver as the Dodo. Lots of people happily eating a leg and throwing the rest aside as it's so abundant, then one day you turn round and there isn't even a mating pair left.

Stacker since 2013

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The fact that silver is used in so many industrial sectors, with new ones being found daily and that its disposed of and non recoverable puts silver in the must have of PM's. It cant last forever and cant be replaced by another metal. How long it will take is hard to predict, but the price has to go up in the near future.

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to be honest even though the likes of us know it will happen at some point, putting us at a distinct advantage, I think it`ll even surprise us When it does eventually happen.

I expect it to be a cascade effect when the trigger`s pulled, and when an "autopsy" is finally done what everyone thought was bad will turn out to be worse than thought.

your Dodo idea is pretty much how I feel too, as for industry I think it`ll still be Needed and paid for, with huge drives towards recycling with lots of jewelery and flatware being cashed in for instance, and the prices being paid for it!


at this point I would flip 20% of my stack, then wait for higher, and each point buy Gold.

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You just have to look at the fundamentals. Ore grades are diminishing year on year. What will oil prices be in ten years time?

The cost of extracting silver in ten years time could easily treble. Demand by that time should be outstripping supply so prices

go up. A lot.

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You just have to look at the fundamentals. Ore grades are diminishing year on year. What will oil prices be in ten years time?

The cost of extracting silver in ten years time could easily treble. Demand by that time should be outstripping supply so prices

go up. A lot.

Once again, I hope you are right C. I agree with what you are saying.

I wonder if people were saying exactly the same 10 years ago though.

Stacker since 2013

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I'm not going to worry myself with any of this talk.


I'll be buying my ozs of silver for as long as i can then i will be happy just yo look at it.


The more i have means i won't get bored so quickly.


Got plenty more stuff that i could be worrying about!

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As some singer once said ..."Don't think it won't happen just because it hasn't happened yet."

Agreed always good to take these videos with a pinch of salt. Personally, I think most of these forecasts for physical shortages in PM's will become a reality - I'd go as far to say inevitable. I'm only sceptical about the ability for Central banks and politicians to keep the broken system patched up for a few more years yet. If they're going down, they'll certainly be giving it one last hurrah!

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I see silver as the Dodo. Lots of people happily eating a leg and throwing the rest aside as it's so abundant, then one day you turn round and there isn't even a mating pair left.


There needs to be a new coin, the 1oz silver Dodo, when it's gone it's gone! 

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