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Rhodium overtakes Gold!


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Just noticed that the ask price for rhodium has just overtaken the ask price for gold.

Don't think that's happened since 2011 ish.

I nearly bought rhodium at £560 spot, but the premiums were mental. I think I'd still have been underwater.

I wonder if Rh is running back up again.

Stacker since 2013

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  • 11 months later...

The Rhodium market is tiny, around 30 ton annual production which makes for crazy bull runs like you can see in the chart below, up to $10,000 in 08 then a 90% crash in no time, I'd like to get a little Rhodium because a another bull run will more than likely happen, timing when to buy and sell is the hard bit.  



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Platinum at spot is looking incredibly cheap right now. Does anyone know where I can pick some up for STG VAT prices?


Is it even possible to get Platinum in the same manner as Silver?

Chris silver got a quote from an Aussie outfit I think for a platy or similar 1oz. I think he said it was tax free! Getting it here is the other issue. Maybe Strenue could assist if serious.

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly

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Chris silver got a quote from an Aussie outfit I think for a platy or similar 1oz. I think he said it was tax free! Getting it here is the other issue. Maybe Strenue could assist if serious.

Only problem with outside the EU buying is If customs gets their hands on it. In such a case I may as well have bought one from Bullionbypost and take the hit on the VAT. I was hoping there might be a way to buy Pt in the same way you can get silver but I guess not.


Unless I can convince myself the 20% tax is worth it looks like I will be sticking to gold. 

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Ruthenium hit $875oz in late 2006 during it's mega spike, current price $45.00 so that was the rise of the century so far. Those black walking liberty coins......

Ruthenium is a rare earth element though right? So holding lithium is the equivalent kind of bet?


Platinum at least has many industrial uses and can be used as jewellery worst case scenario! I am interested in the metal due to these fundamentals and the fact the chart looks like it is nearing a bottom in relation to the amount of currency in circulation (due to QE mostly). 

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Ruthenium is a rare earth element though right? So holding lithium is the equivalent kind of bet?


Platinum at least has many industrial uses and can be used as jewellery worst case scenario! I am interested in the metal due to these fundamentals and the fact the chart looks like it is nearing a bottom in relation to the amount of currency in circulation (due to QE mostly). 

Not sure what you're getting at? Neither Ruthenium nor Lithium are rare earth metals.

Lithium is of the Alkali group of metals while Ruthenium is in the Transition series.

Holding Lithium would certainly be a good idea as it seems to be the metal that all the new battery technology is still going to be based on. There is forecast to be a massive increase in lithium demand in the next few years.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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Agree with Steve there. Goldline did do Iridium bars until recently. Lithium is a totally different kettle of powder altogether.

(Edit, Steve you are absolutely correct, also Lead and Nickel are as abundant Lithium, KDave, I suggest Bacanora or REM as investment ideas for Lithium in the Stock Market but no way put it in a safe!).

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Lithium is a rare earth element which has huge potential in the battery storage sector.

Not important except for chemistry geeks but I still beg to differ: Lithium is not a "rare earth element".





Lithium is not even "rare" in the common sense of the term; it is found all over the world in salt water and clay deposits.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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Steve, you saw the edit, however I do suggest to people that the word Lithium be disregarded from the topic as it's as common as lead.

Rhodium and it's cohorts Iridium and Ruthenium are great reads as they do touch us in the Coin and Bar selections we have, although Iridium is much harder to find in bar form than it was a year ago back.

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 Lithium is a totally different kettle of powder altogether.

 I suggest Bacanora or REM as investment ideas for Lithium in the Stock Market but no way put it in a safe!).

Indeed :lol: In no way is it a PM as it's totally industrial, the least dense metal and as reactive as they come!

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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I was clearly mistaken by comparing the two metals. Apples and Oranges.  :)


You see I had thought of the two as industrial plays and had not considered Ruthenium as much of a precious metal investment. I can't remember ever seeing a coin or bar of the stuff to be honest. 


I have also clearly been a victim of excellent marketing as I do indeed have a holding in REM exactly for its play on lithium mining (in the future). I had never checked if Lithium was in fact a rare earth element partly because I already knew its industrial applications and so the terminology would not have influenced my decision to invest or not!


I thank you for the education gents. Learning has taken place  :lol:

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KDave and Steve, we gave everyone a read and a chance to have a quick look up of Lithium, Rhodium and other metals that we sometimes selfishly forget as Gold and Silver stalwarts.

An added educational for everyone, is Commodity Contracts For Difference (CFD) Derivative trading. Read, understand and leave well alone.

Ruthenium and Rhodium's spikes were caused by supply shortages caused by mining issues.

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