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Australia 1993 Silver Kangaroo Dollar - Need Help!


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Ok guys I need your help. I picked up a 1993 Silver Kangaroo. (Royal Australian MInt) As usual I weighed the coin, and it comes in at a whopping 31.8g. A bit heavy I thought, but the COA with it, says 31.635g, Now the diameter is stated as 40.6mm, but my calipers have it at 40.04mm. It passes the magnet test, so I'm sure it's silver, but the measurements and weight are making me have doubts. Has anyone out there got the same coin, and if they have could they do a quick weigh and diameter check on their coins for me.


Cheers guys



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Well Numista says it should be 31.57g and 40.6mm so that accords roughly with the COA.

31.8g I'd say is normal tolerance as long as it passes all other tests.

The diameter is quite under though, not sure about that one.

I have done a bit of searching and have not come up with any reports of fakes.

If the RAM are anything like Perth Mint, the States dimensions are way off anyway.

Stacker since 2013

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I thought weights were the minimum they could be and that if a counterfeit coin was something you had then the wrong material would have made it either much thicker or thinner

I thought they were average weights with tolerance, with the minimum being a troy ounce exactly, as that's what it is advertised as.

Stacker since 2013

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For piece of mind, I did a quick SG test. I wouldn't normally do it with these sort of coins, but it was a quick dip in the water, and straight out into kitchen towels to dry off. Anyway I'm much happier as it is bang on .999 silver, within the tolerance levels of holding the thread and coin steady, using pre-boiled water,(our water here is probably the most unpolluted, clearest and cleanest in the UK, and if there are any fishkeepers out there, you'll understand when i say it gives RO water a run for its money), and my cheapo scales.


Obviously these dimensions that the mints put out should be taken with a large dollop of salt. ;)   

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I haven't got any callipers, but from a good old ruler it is just over 40mms.Your coin from what I've read here is absolutely right put a photo up that always helps.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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I haven't got any callipers, but from a good old ruler it is just over 40mms.Your coin from what I've read here is absolutely right put a photo up that always helps.

Coin is exactly the same as every photo I can find of the coin, and I'm more than happy that it is genuine, I'm now just interested to see if anyone else has the same coin with dimensions quite different from the stated dimensions that are currently to be found online.

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