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why do coins cost different values


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why is it that 1 0z coins wether it be generic or collector  cost different amounts   using generic as an example ,  maples, ase, philharmonics,noahs ark,  brittanias

the brittanias I think are the most expensive and the maple the cheapest,  is it that the buying price a dealer has to pay is more expensive on a brittania  as apposed to a maple   , is it the minting, shipping ,  after all its 1 oz theyre buying in  but in different forms,

why are the pandas etc  more expensive  kookaboros, and similar  is it that the shipping from china or Australia is put on to the coin to sell to us 


why are coins all different prices for the same 1 oz    I  could understand it if theyre were only so many minted , but isn't the 2014 panda etc an on going coin for 365 days of the year

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I'd have guessed it is mostly down to basic market forces: Increased supply = lower price per unit. Increased demand = higher price per unit. 


For example the cheaper Phils and Maples etc are unlimited mintage and the design doesn't change much if at all, from year to year. there really is nothign special about them. It would be hard to justify increased premium over the metal value and production costs.


Kookaburras (again, just an example) are not made in such massive quantities, and the design changes every year, so they are collectable, and harder to get hold of. Because they are more desirable, the market is prepared to pay higher premiums for them. 

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The buying price a dealer has to pay will vary depending on how much the mint wants to make on their product. Also, it depends where the dealer buys from.

The minting costs will also vary from country to country. Transportation, marketing, design, labour etc all vary.

The price the dealer chargers will then depend on how much profit they would like to make and also supply and demand.

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Also don't forget about cross boarder exchange rates for purchases and sales starting from spot to refiners, mints, distributors, dealers and then end user.

There are so many factors when comparing products from all around the world.

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Why do cars cost different values?

Different processes, manufacturing costs, manufacturing amounts, differing demand, differing quality.

Goes for pretty much every product with more than one variant.

Stacker since 2013

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Sometimes I've asked stupid questions for whatever the reason and got shot down in a ball of flames.


It's always a good idea to sit back for a moment and think about it. If a bit of lateral thinking or even a google search can sometimes be a good place to start.


A proper search of the older threads could well have answered this question and many of the questions new / newish members ask on a regular basis.


Some questions look simple like this one but it can result in a complex answer,


This is a great resource to have i would prob never have heard about the Morgan / Peace silver dollars without Ares / Silver Trader and The Silver Forum.


P.S. I've never been straft here!

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