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im bored


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nowt doing at shop this morning , no customers,  so decided to have a browse through the silver stack  only have 26 oz  but its good to look through  from time to time,    looking through the coins/bars  I cant help but ask myself .....craig why did you pay that much for this  and they were a good buy ,,,,,oohh  that was not such a good deal     im new  and a beginner     still no customers...this ll be a long day till 5pm


oh and those gold sim cards must go


no I haven't ive got 31 oz

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The main thing is you have some silver. And some gold. More than most. At some point you will realise agonising over a few pence is pretty pointless, because the value will always fluctuate anyway, so your stack value will never be constant.

BTW, The gold would go very quickly if you didn't insist on local delivery/collection only.

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Yeah, I was bored this morning, so was just looking at some data which I collect and found this interesting....

Date Spot (oz) 1kg Silver Bar (Coin Invest Direct ex vat)

9 Nov 13. £13.42. £466.97

12 July 14. £12.50. £466.13

Just about double the premium added in 8 months........

Hmmmmm :))

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unless im wrong don't pm prices on buy back stay almost stagnant as pm,s rise   whereas the buying price of a coin bar  rases by the minute  as a live  web change   shouldn't buy back prices alter live?

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unless im wrong don't pm prices on buy back stay almost stagnant as pm,s rise whereas the buying price of a coin bar rases by the minute as a live web change shouldn't buy back prices alter live?

That's business for you.

Same as the petrol pumps!!!!

Stacker since 2013

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I've come to the conclusion that if you buy physical, you have to accept that you are pretty much in it for the long haul. Apart from trying to flip coins that are in demand because of collector demand, short-term turnaround on physical silver or gold is not going to change your life with massive profits unless the amounts you are trading are significant.


Buyback prices now do not matter (unless you are being forced to sell, in which case you have no choice). Otherwise check back in 12 months time, or 24 months, or 5 years. By all means be aware of the spot price but don't obsess over it. sometimes I can go a whole 24 hours without checking spot.

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I'm bored now too.

We have a BBQ at our house, and I'm the only one that doesn't speak slovak. Yawn.

Might eat some more, drink some more and then play with my new crossbow. Lol

I don't want to go too off topic but download memrise on your iPhone. It is truly an awesome app, teaches you languages by repetition and multiple choice. It's an enjoyable game.


You need to add courses via their website before they appear in the app. Go to this section and download some Slovak courses http://www.memrise.com/courses/english/slovak/ not sure if they are all good as each one is made by a different member so there are some mistakes I've noticed. I am using Memrise for Russian.

It's also free!

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  • Founder & Administrator

I was thinking about learning a second language but my English isn't the best which in turn makes it more difficult to learn another one.

Have a look at their site. There are other translation courses, not just English to the target language. You may find some courses in your native language to learn other languages.

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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I'm bored now too.

We have a BBQ at our house, and I'm the only one that doesn't speak slovak. Yawn.

Might eat some more, drink some more and then play with my new crossbow. Lol


I thought the hunting season for Slovaks wasn't until the 12th August. Be careful you don't get caught hunting out of season  ;)

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ive also realised that silver is the long term    very  long term    im sure I can make more on shares      a guy told me the other day that wine is a good investment  , I told him I thought it went off  but he says no , may look into that ,   he said £300 bottles of wine would be worth considerably more 5 yrs down the line

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one thing I've been told is that with the right amount of research, if you bought a relatively cheap bottle in 2014 (if 2014 was a hypothetical good vintage year, I have no idea) then within 10/20 years the value of it will go up.

Course, not as much as the ones which are already expensive now.

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I cant help but ask myself .....craig why did you pay that much for this  and they were a good buy ,,,,,oohh  that was not such a good deal     im new  and a beginner     


oh and those gold sim cards must go


craig, seems to me in your posts on this thread and others that you are after a quick buck and that you are quite easily swayed into getting into wine, stocks and other investments based on what you hear.  


You also seem quite uncertain of yourself if you're questioning why you paid what you paid for something.  If someone forks out 200 a time for a sovereign, then in my opinion they should be clear in their understanding  .


My advice is to choose one thing and become a master of it.  Give yourself 3 month timeframes and then read nothing but wine or nothing but stocks or nothing but Pre 1920 British coins.  I'm not saying it's a bad thing to diversify but having only a superficial understanding of many things will hurt you financially, not to mention the lost time that you could have channelled into learning about something for real.


Just my 2 cents as I want you to be on this forum in 10 years saying how you're mortgage free and holidaying in Barbados, not flitting between one investment and another and holidaying in Bognor.


Good luck mate.

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And I would add to CD's comments;

Be patient. I am assuming you are quite young Craig. If I had been more patient in my life I would be so much better off.

And don't be greedy.  Greed and impatience are wealth destroyers.

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Nothing wrong with that Craig (the deal hunting I mean).

Just try and have a bit more conviction in what you are doing and you will enjoy it a lot more, in my opinion.

With your cost average, could you imagine having my stack at £25/oz. You'd shit a brick lol.

Stacker since 2013

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