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Reputation Activity
Clockpuncher got a reaction from badluck in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Chrisplym in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from SilverJacks in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Petra in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from AL84 in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Geovest in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from KRO in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Thomast in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Brit2023 in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from MikeG1978 in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Petra in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from SilverRich in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from andrewse in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Fishy321 in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from 9x883 in Topic only visible to Premium Members. Upgrade membership to view.
Clockpuncher reacted to ChrisSilver in Crypto for Gold or Silver.....
Thanks for the reports. This topic contained multiple breaches of forum rules. Rules designed to keep TSF a friendly place and to maintain the stability here. Some of which have been highlighted by @Roy
The OP clearly had time to avoid further breaches of the rules but continued, showing a lack of respect to the community.
Please do not post screenshots of private conversations. These posts will shortly be edited out and removed. Irrespective of who posted them.
My first question, outside of the threats, is why is there a member trading as a business whilst not holding the required Business Account on the forum. Especially one with nearly $1.5 million USD worth of liquid assets (crypto), A yearly Business Gold account represents just 0.02% of your MIN net worth (presuming you haven’t just remortgaged the house completely to invest into crypto, though if you did that could likely work out a good move)
And members who disturb the peace and threaten the knights of the round table are expelled from the kingdom. There is also no way to expect @James32 to cook a roast dinner for that amount of boys, especially when he is busy providing liquidity in the kingdom's gold trading section.
Jokes aside, if you were to take these threats seriously (including those in the private conversation) as I believe there were intended. There is no question in my mind that this account needed to be removed. Other than a moral and community responsibility we have for looking after our members we also have legal responsibilities to adhere to.
To fall in line with our forum rules which the OP agreed to, this account has been banned ⚠️ Thank you to all the members who uphold the values of TSF and keep TSF a friendly and welcoming place for all members.
Clockpuncher got a reaction from KRO in Holiday Proof Memorial Gold Auction, Two Lots Ends Today at 9pm
Lot 1 - £547
Clockpuncher got a reaction from Amoulsda12 in 1817 Sovereign
Have this one for sale if of interest?
Clockpuncher got a reaction from KRO in 1817 Sovereign
Mint state circulating example you’re in the right ball park for an MS62-63, proof will be tens of thousands. Are you looking for PF or MS?
some examples: